Active status in the MC Alumni Association requires a minimum annual contribution of $50 to MC. Upon graduation, alumni are automatically active members but must update their information with the alumni office each year to maintain their active membership. After two years post-graduation, the minimum contribution is $25 per year for three years. Five years after graduation, the minimum contribution increases to $50 annually to remain an active member of the alumni association.
Benefits of Being an Active Alumni
- Alumni Decal
- Alumni T-shirt
- Invitation to Young Alumni Events
- Alumni Lapel Pin
- Lunch and Learn Campus Updates
- Subscription to the Beacon (Alumni magazine)
- Access to the Alumni Tailgate at Homecoming
- Access to the Online Alumni Directory
- Complimentary admission for up to 4 people to 3 single Choctaw athletic games - Alums will email to request which 3 games they plan to attend and how many tickets is needed.
- Advance notice on MC Trips and Events
Alumni Decal
Alumni T-shirt
Alumni Lapel Pin
Invitation to Young Alumni Events
Lunch and Learn Campus Updates
Access to the Alumni Tailgate at Homecoming
Subscription to the Beacon (Alumni magazine)
Access to the Online Alumni Directory
Access to on-campus Career Development services
Complimentary admission for 2 individuals to 3 single Choctaw athletic games. Alums will email to request which 3 games they plan to attend and how many tickets are needed.
- Active Status for 2 years
- Alumni Decal
- Alumni T-shirt
- Invitation to Young Alumni Events
- Access to on-campus Career Development services
- Lunch and Learn Campus Updates
- Access to the Online Alumni Directory
- Access to the Alumni Tailgate at Homecoming
- Complimentary admission for one individual to 3 single Choctaw athletic games - Alums will email to request which 3 games they plan to attend and how many tickets is needed.